
Sonntag, 2. September 2007

9.8 Millionen im Irak gefunden

So behauptet es zumindest eine Mail, die heute im SPAM-Filter gelandet ist. Ich solle mich doch bei Capt.Scott Duke melden, um das Geld in Deutschland anzulegen. Mir würden dann immerhin 35% gehören. Die Mail stammte vorgeblich von einem US-Soldaten, der im Irak über eine Menge Geld gestolpert sei. Angeblich sei die Truhe mit dem gefundenen Geld schon durch einen ahnungslosen Diplomaten nach London geschafft worden. Absender war ein Yahoo-Account, antworten soll ich an eine spanische Mail-Adresse.
Eine moderne Variante der Nigeria-Connection.

Frage des Tages: Was kann man gegen solche dreisten Mails tun?

Nicht antworten - soviel ist klar.
Aber gibt es Internetermittler oder kann man irgendwo Anzeige erstatten? Für mich sieht das nach einem Betrugsversuch aus, aber reicht das oder müßte ich erst geschädigt werden, um das anzeigen zu können?
Für die echten Nigeria-Connection-Mails gibt es Ermittlungsstellen, aber diese neue Masche wird wohl ein Erfolg werden, da niemand dagegen vorgeht.

Anbei die Original-Mail:

Dear weiblicher Vorname

I apologize if I did wrong by contacting.I am Captain Scott Duke, a US MARINE OFFICER. On 24Th July 2007 I and my troops were alerted on the need of some reconstruction works in Haifa Street, a long thoroughfare of high-rise buildings built and occupied by Saddam Hussein when he was alive here in Baghdad.
Immediately we proceeded to the site and as we commence work to our utmost surprise, we discovered an underground bunker in one of the buildings.
Upon investigation of the bunker to my surprise, we discovered one box safely hidden and sealed, I told my men to open the box in order to find out the contents of the box, and when they opened Box, to My Amazement the box contained $9.8 Million us dollars.
I Have kept the Consigment box secured with a Senior United Nation UK Diplomat Smith Williams in London UK to keep for me as i am on my duty in Hafiz Iraq ,
I Did not disclose the contents of the consignment Box to the Diplomat.I told the United Nation UK Diplomat that the Consignment metalic Box Contents Family Treasure Items, to safe keeping for me in London as i am on my duty post in Iraq and i told him that a family friend will contact him for collection of the box.
I am Now looking for a Reliable and Trustworthy person Like you to receive the consignment for me and invest the money for me in your country as i am on my duty in iraq peacefully and legitimate once you reply with your postal address,telephone E-mail,full name and where he will deliver the consignment to you door to door step by the united nation senior diplomat from london Hon Dilp.Williams Smith
You will invest this money in a good investment in your country for the benefit of both of us. i will give you 35% of the total sum for your assistance in helping me to receive the consignment and invest the money,

Please do not Disclose this transaction to anybody as to protect this money between us. i will attached file of my Driver License, US Marine Identity Card,and the trunk consignment box and my picture,for you to know me more.
Haifa Iraq is a hot Zone 24hrs zone as you can see in television and news. i am happy that the consignment is secured in a UK by United Nation Diplomat sealed and lock with the code which i will give you to to open the consignment box when the diplomat deliver the consigment box to you in your country.
Please Remember UK Senior Diplomat does not know the real contents of the box.
contact me to enable me to give you the contact email and telephone number of the diplomat in uk london to contact him with your address to deliver the consignment to you peacefully and legitimate.
i wait for your urgent reply. Email me to my private email address.
Best Regards
Captain Scott Duke

Warnung: Nicht auf diese Mail antworten! Aber SPAMer können sich gerne gütlich tun ;)

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

und? waren tatsächlich die versprochenen anhänge dran?

uwEE hat gesagt…

Es war eine rein Text-Mail.